Acqua Brevetti cabinet and double body water softeners

Water softeners

Cabinet and double body water softeners.





The mineralization of the water is due to its underground path. The chemical composition of the water changes depending on the type of rocks crossed. Calcium and magnesium are two elements commonly present in the composition of natural waters and are responsible for the "hardness" of water. This term indicates the property of (hard) water to deposit calcareous encrustations in heat exchange devices and in general in plumbing systems, including household appliances.

The damage caused by hardness manifests itself particularly clearly where heat exchange processes occur which lead to heating of the water. Above 50°C, in fact, the calcium and magnesium salts present in the form of soluble bicarbonates are transformed into insoluble carbonates capable of precipitating, forming encrustations.

When the water is hard it is a good idea to carry out a softening treatment. The hardness value at which softening is essential depends on the type of application. In the case of hydro-thermal-sanitary systems, the UNI 8065 standard establishes that softening is mandatory for hardnesses above 15 °f (for systems with a thermal power of the hearth > 100 kW).

Regardless of the heat output of the hearth, softening treatment is still recommended if the hardness of the water exceeds 15°f.

When choosing the water softener, the fundamental hydraulic parameters that determine the choice are:

- Instantaneous flow rate: it is the maximum flow rate that can pass through the softener for which the exchange process is still guaranteed. If the softener is fed with a higher flow rate, the speed at which it crosses the bed is so high as to cause inevitable hardness leaks.

- Cyclic capacity: it is measured in m3x°f and represents the exchange capacity of the softener. This data is of fundamental importance in order to establish the interval between two subsequent regenerations.

Water softeners exist in two versions:

- Cabin or monobloc: they are the ideal solution for domestic applications as they are small in size. They are ideal for applications where low flow rates or limited cyclic flow rates are required.

- Double body: the tank and the column are two separate entities and constitute the ideal solution for applications where high peak flow rates or cyclic flow rates are required.


Water patents start basic package with 11 liter softener filter and pump

Water patents start basic package with FT312 filter BravoCAB softener 11 lt and PM011S pump
Basic package with:
BravoCAB softener 11 lt. code CD10411, Bravo filter with pressure gauge ¾” connections cod. FT312, Minidue pump ¾” connections with refill cod. PM011S

Water patents start basic package with 17 liter softener filter and pump

Start basic package patent water with FT312 filter, BravoCAB softener 17 l and PM011S pump
Basic package with:
BravoCAB softener 17 lt. code CD10417 , Bravo filter with pressure gauge ¾” connections cod. FT312, Minidue pump ¾” connections with refill cod. PM011S

Water patents start basic package with 22 liter softener filter and pump

Start basic package patent water with FT312 filter, BravoCAB softener 22 l and PM011S pump
Basic package with:
BravoCAB softener 22 lt. code CD10422 , Bravo filter with pressure gauge ¾” connections cod. FT312, Minidue pump ¾” connections with refill cod. PM011S

Start package patent water with 11 liter pump and anticorrosive softener filter

Start package patent water with FT020 filter, BravoCAB softener 11 l, PM012 pump and PC002 anticorrosive
Basic package with:
BravoCAB softener 11 lt. code CD10411, BravoFil filter ¾” connections cod. FT020, BravaDos pump ¾” connections cod. PM012 and AcquaSIL 20/40® anticorrosive
bottle Kg. 1 cod. PC002

Start package patent water with 17 liter pump and anticorrosive softener filter

Start package patent water with FT020 filter BravoCAB softener 17 l PM012 pump and PC002 anticorrosive
Basic package with:
BravoCAB softener 17 lt. code CD10417, BravoFil filter ¾” connections cod. FT020, BravaDos pump ¾” connections cod. PM012 and AcquaSIL 20/40® anticorrosive
bottle Kg. 1 cod. PC002

Start package patent water with 22 liter pump and anticorrosive softener filter

Start package patent water with FT020 filter BravoCAB softener 22 l PM012 pump and PC002 anticorrosive
Basic package with:
BravoCAB softener 22 lt. code CD10422, BravoFil filter ¾” connections cod. FT020, BravaDos pump ¾” connections cod. PM012 and AcquaSIL 20/40® anticorrosive
bottle Kg. 1 cod. PC002

Water patents start plus package with 11 liter pump softener filter and anticorrosive

Start plus package patent water with FT030 filter, BravoCAB softener 11 l, PM012 pump and PC002 anticorrosive
Basic package with:
BravoCAB softener 11 lt. code CD10411, BravoMatic filter ¾” connections cod. FT030, BravaDos pump ¾” connections cod. PM012 and anticorrosive AcquaSIL 20/40 bottle Kg. 1 cod. PC002

Water patents start plus package with 17 liter pump softener filter and anticorrosive

Start plus package patent water with FT030 filter BravoCAB softener 17 l PM012 pump and PC002 anticorrosive
Basic package with:
BravoCAB softener 17 lt. code CD10417, BravoFil filter ¾” connections cod. FT030, BravaDos pump ¾” connections cod. PM012 and AcquaSIL 20/40® anticorrosive
bottle Kg. 1 cod. PC002

Water patents start plus package with 22 liter pump softener filter and anticorrosive

Start plus package patent water with FT030 filter, BravoCAB water softener 22 l, PM012 pump and PC002 anticorrosive
Basic package with:
BravoCAB softener 22 lt. code CD10422, BravoMatic filter ¾” connections cod. FT030, BravaDos pump ¾” connections cod. PM012 and anticorrosive AcquaSIL 20/40 bottle Kg. 1 cod. PC002