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No Gas Windshield Ice Remover - Arexons 500 ml

Quick De-Icer for Car Glass - Spray 500 ml
The 500 ml Arexons ice remover spray is ideal for quickly melting ice from the windshield and car windows, ensuring optimal visibility during the winter. It is also effective on doors and locks blocked by frost.

Windshield Ice Remover Spray - Arexons 300 ml

Quick De-Icer for Car Glass - Spray 300 ml
The 300 ml Arexons ice remover spray is ideal for quickly melting ice from the windshield and car windows, ensuring optimal visibility during the winter. It is also effective on doors and locks blocked by frost.

Alpina AS 62 P WS 210 petrol engine snow blower

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Alpina AS 62 P WS 210 petrol engine snow blower
Two-stage snow blower equipped with a 212 cc petrol engine and a working width of 62 cm
Two-stage snow removal and throwing system
Working width of 62cm


Alpina AS 56 P WS 210 petrol engine snow blower

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Alpina AS 56 P WS 210 petrol engine snow blower
Two-stage snow blower equipped with a 212 cc petrol engine and a working width of 56 cm
Two-stage snow removal and throwing system
Working width of 56cm


Hyundai DHY8000SE3 Diesel Generator with silenced AVR

Hyundai Diesel Generator 5.8 KW AVR silenced DHY8000SE-3 65234
Generator with AVR (voltage regulator) suitable for homes and electronic equipment
Silenced Hyundai Diesel Generator – maximum three-phase power 5.8KW (single-phase 1.9KW) – alternator with 100% copper winding – AVR – electric start – digital display – 12hp engine – 456 cc – Optional ATS automatic start system

STIGA PR 730 petrol engine pruning chainsaw 26.9cc bar 25cm

STIGA PR 730 petrol engine pruning chainsaw 26.9cc bar 25cm
Pruning chainsaw with 26.9 cc (0.7 kW) petrol engine equipped with 25 cm (10") cutting bar.
26.9 cc internal combustion engine with a power of 0.7 kW
25cm (10") cutter bar
Chain speed of 22.86 m/s
Net weight without bar and chain of 3.6 kg
Single handle top handle
Anti-Vibration System (VCS)

Hyundai 1KW 53CC Inverter Generator cod. 65154

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Hyundai 1KW 53CC Inverter Generator cod. 65154
Hyundai portable silenced inverter generator. Rated power 0.9kW, alternator with 100% copper winding. Manual starting with a 1.4 hp engine and 53.5 displacement. Weight of 18 kg.

Ltf Inverter 4Kw portable petrol generator code ISB4200-SE

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Ltf Inverter 4Kw portable petrol generator code ISB4200-SE
The LTF power generator is portable with a 3.8 kW (rated power) 223 cc petrol engine. Inverter voltage regulator. USB port.

Hyundai Diesel Generator 6KW 456CC full power cod. 65213

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Hyundai Diesel Generator 6KW 456CC full power 65213
Hyundai 456cc Diesel Generator. Full Power supply three-phase 5.5KW / single-phase 5.5KW (nominal power) with AVR technology, electric start and alternator with 100% copper winding. Digital display. 12hp engine. Optional ATS auto start system.

Ltf 2Kw inverter silent gasoline portable power generator code ISB2000-SE

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Ltf 2Kw inverter silent gasoline portable power generator code ISB2000-SE
The portable LTF power generator is silenced with a 2.0 kW single-phase motor and inverter voltage regulator. USB socket, 79cc petrol engine. Manual pull start.

AWELCO professional car charger 160 cod.74160

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AWELCO PROFESSIONAL 160 car charger cod.74160
Awelco Professional 160 12V battery charger, simple and reliable, ideal for charging 40-140 Ah batteries, with reverse polarity protection. Practical to carry thanks to its weight of 8.7 kg.

AWELCO car charger THOR 320 cod. 75010

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AWELCO car charger THOR 320 cod. 75010
THOR 320 single-phase semi-professional battery charger from Awelco easy to use, ideal for recharging 12 and 24 V 120/140 Ah batteries. Automatic reset thermal protection and reverse polarity protection. Equipped with two charge settings: Slow and Fast and Booster function (start assist) for quick starting. Easy to carry thanks to the handle on the back and its weight of 16.5 kg.